Yea, do you have a new Android Smartphones or a New Tablet or a New PC, iPad, iPhone devices? Then there are some few things you need to do first first. Hey, it is not about buying champagne or launching it.
We all have that anxiousness in us to quickly tear our device paclages, so that we can grab our hard earned money in visual right? Yea, it always happen to everyone especially me.
My first smartphone and laptop/PC that were in a package, it didn’t take me 5-seconds to tear up the package and see what is in there. Well, lets get to know what to do first. Actually, it is not about tearing up the package, there other things to do first.
We don’t know what device you just unwrapped, but there is a good chance we’ve covered it already. Below we have a list of first things you should do with specific phones. If you have those devices it’s a great place to start.
What and What to do First with a New Device
I hope you do know how to get the best guidelines on getting a New Device? Anyway, lets get started.
#1. How does your Device work;
This is supposed to be the first thing to do. Learn how you device works. Goto your friends who knows how to operate a tablet, PC, smartphone, so that they can teach you everything you need to know.
You have to learn how to make calls, send messages, type slow then fast and then learn how to visit your settings, know what and what is there.
#2. Download Apps;
Yea, you need applications to keep your phone moving, to keep your PC going. Visit a PC expert to move and copy files to your PC. Likewise, android smartphone or you can still go straight to your playstore.
One of the most obvious things to do with a phone is download some of those apps you’ve been hearing everyone talk about. You know about Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, and all those common apps
#3. Download Games
And now this, after downloading applications, the next thing to do is to download games and yes, interesting ones. There are some games that improves the brain likewise apps. When you PC, it is not advisable to download games, so that you won’t attract malwares.
Sometimes you just want to have fun. Good news: the Apple Itunes and Google Play Store is chock with full of games from every genre. Now that you have got games, you are good to go.
#4. Download or Update Your Antimalware Program
This is important, get your Android Smartphone or PC free from Malware by either downloading a new Anti-virus app or getting it installed from a Laptop or experienced operator. So that, he/she will not get your PC damaged.
Windows 10 comes with Microsoft’s own tool built-in so most PCs are ready to go.
Remember that this is very essential and very important for all new devices. Including Android Smartphones, iPad, iPhones. Updating of anti-virus is very crucial as it helps to protect your phone from Virus.
#5. Install Available Windows Updates
Now, you have to install any available windows updates. Microsoft releases security and non-security updates to Windows on at least a monthly basis, often times more frequently than that!
It is especially for PC, but then for Android Smartphones, you actually don’t need to update, all you need is to stay online and regularly visit your Store to confirm any update.
Others includes; Install your favorite browser, Install a File Recovery Program, Sign Up for an Online Backup Service, Uninstall Programs You Don’t Want etc. Always note that, the more you browse and also get addicted to your PC, the more you know what next to do.
For now, that’s all. But stay updated. Please, take 5 seconds to share this article with your friends on facebook, twitter, G+ and also try to pin it to pinterest.